Meet Dr. Detra Duncan
Current City Council Member at Large serving a second term as of 2023.. A proud wife of an Army Veteran and mother who loves the community in which she lives. First African American woman to accomplish this goal. Precinct organizer. I have a doctoral degree in organizational management/leadership, which the doctoral journey is an emotional embodied and political experience drawing from experiences across a variety of disciplines in the social sciences, medical sciences and education, and the humanities.
QualificationsPublic Service2024 to TODAY - Fountain City Council at Large, First elected 2019, Reelected 2023. Board of Directors Member (Alternate for the City of Fountain) Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, Fountain Creek Watershed District (Alternate for the City of Fountain) and Colorado Municipal League - (Alternate for the City of Fountain).
2019-2020 - Planning Commission - City of Fountain, Colorado. 2000-2015 - President Cross Creek Community Association 2015-2019 - Board President Cross Creek Metropolitain District Education Doctoral Degree – Organizational Management – University of Phoenix- May 2019 Diploma Medical Insurance Billing and Coding, Blair College June 2003. Completed the Dietetic Internship for Dietitians @ Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Southern University A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Studied Human Nutrition and Foods Professional Organizations
Volunteer Experience